Wanted to thank you for your spirited and most informative demo...

“Wanted to thank you for your spirited and most informative demo...
These student are very lucky to have the support of a company that consider the importance of these young individuals as they enter the workforce.... It is my hope that they leave this class more informed and embrace the wealth of information our industry has to offer because of your generosity, this is now possible“

Warmest regards,
Professor from Fashion Institute of Technology

"...I've rarely encountered such hospitality, detailed explanation and thorough accessibility.."

Dear Tasos,

I came on that rainy Monday this week with a group from Tennessee State University. I have visited many places that accept, lecture to and open their business for students. That said, I've rarely encountered such hospitality, detailed explanation and thorough accessibility as you gave us. You're a natural instructor and terrific example for students. My many thanks and appreciation for your enthusiasm and sharing can hardly be conveyed here. Please know how much the visit meant for all of us.

Warmest regards,
Professor from Tennessee State University
26 May 2017